Tags : news


How to Get Started on the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet centers around seasonal produce, fish and seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy, and small amounts of meat and sweets. While choosing from a cornucopia of foods, followers of this lifestyle can decide what they would like to eat and when. But with so many options it can feel overwhelming to get started. Read on […]readmore


Green Skin Care – Natural Beauty Ingredients

PERKS OF GOING GREEN Lindsay Coulter, green living expert as David Suzuki’s Queen of Green for over a decade, who continues to share her insights through @saneaction, says there are other benefits to going green in the beauty aisle. For one, natural products are pure, and often multipurpose. For instance, you can use rosehip oil […]readmore


Tips for Keeping Produce Fresher, Longer

You probably know that eating a wide range of fresh fruits and veggies is important. But filling your fridge with produce can quickly lead to food waste, especially if you only go grocery shopping once a week. Before you know it, you’re left with black bananas, slimy spinach, and mushy avocado. With more knowledge and […]readmore


Elderberry Benefits Immune Health and More

This simple fruit has been revered for its contributions to everyday health and impact on the immune system, but how exactly does it help your body out? Read on for what you should know about elderberries, including seven science-backed benefits you can get from them.   BOOSTS IMMUNE SYSTEM The vitamins contained in elderberries, paired […]readmore


It’s time to give blood pressure monitoring to all pregnant

Remote blood pressure (BP) monitoring is a critical tool for reducing poor outcomes in high-risk pregnancies. Stakeholders across the maternal health space need to come together to provide it for all moms, regardless of risk. The United States has the highest rates of maternal mortality in the developed world. Over 50% of those deaths occur in the […]readmore


How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

According to dermatologists from the American Academy of Dermatology, dirty makeup brushes can wreak havoc on the skin. In addition to collecting product residue, dirt, and oil, makeup brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria. This could compromise your complexion—in the form of acne breakouts and rashes—as well as your health, they say. To clean […]readmore


Probiotics for Skin Care

Like our morning egg, bacteria once endured a bad rap. And, for years, we were told to vigorously scrub off bacteria in the name of clear, luminous skin. Now, science suggests we might want to back away slowly from harsh cleansers, add bacteria to our face, and eat it, too. Our bodies are host to […]readmore


Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Garden & Green Activities

A THERAPEUTIC GARDEN is defined as a space where you can accomplish gardening and green activities that specifically address a person’s psychological, spiritual, physical, and social needs. Therapeutic gardening can be far more than a traditional garden space: it can be expanded to include many outdoor landscaped areas, green spaces, and even activities that can […]readmore


The Goodness of Greens

Green foods such as leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables contain powerful nutrients that fight free radical damage at a cellular level. Even as adults, as taste buds mature with time, we may still struggle to get in our quota of healthy super greens. Yes, those celebrity “green” smoothies look great, but it’s not always convenient […]readmore


Very Simple Remedies for Cold Symptoms

When you’re suffering from cold or flu, symptoms like headaches, runny nose, sore throat, and exhaustion, can have you looking for fast-acting and effective relief. These natural remedies can help you nip that cold in the bud and start feeling like yourself again—without a trip to the doctor or pharmacy.   GARGLE OR RINSE WITH […]readmore