Tags : news


How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

“Teeth naturally yellow for a number of reasons including smoking, eating highly pigmented foods, drinking coffee, tea or red wine, treatment with antibiotics, trauma, and too much fluoride and tartar accumulation,” according to Elisa Mello, DDS, from NYC Smile Design, a New York-based cosmetic and restorative dental practice.  However, did you know that Mother Nature […]readmore


The Link Between Dehydration And Metabolism

When people are trying to lose weight and shred fat their main goal to long-term weight management should be to raise their metabolism (rate in which your body uses energy).  What most people fail to realize is that their hydration level directly affects their metabolism. Another important factor to understand is – your body’s ability to utilize […]readmore


Fuel The Fire For Your Health

Change is something that we must purposefully ignite! Particularly in terms of our health, breaking bad habits is a difficult thing to do, and yet sometimes it is supremely necessary because the risk of staying the same is just too detrimental to our health and well-being. We need to get fired up for our health, […]readmore


Sneaky Signs of Iron Deficiency

If left unchecked, low iron levels can lead to iron deficiency anemia—a condition where you don’t have enough red blood cells to deliver oxygen to your body’s tissues. Women, children, vegetarians, and athletes are at the greatest risk, and recovery can take months. The biggest challenge with iron deficiency is the sneaky symptoms that easily […]readmore


The Best Ways to Adapt for Healthy Living

Life is all about balance while adapting, and coping with what changes it decides to roll your way! Having the capacity to adapt is a great inner strength. It keeps you in the driver’s seat of life rather than in the back seat, it keeps you moving forward rather than looking back, and it can certainly […]readmore


How to deal with disappointment

Disappointment is part of being alive and by its nature disappointment is not a pleasure, but if you approach it in the right way it can be a useful part of your journey. You have big dreams, don’t you? Virtually every Life Coaching weekend seminar in a vineyard somewhere has featured a PowerPoint presentation that […]readmore


Immune Boosting Foods to Support Your Body

Cold and flu season hits us hard when we’re unprepared. Adding more immune-boosting foods to our diet helps us fight off those coughs and sniffles. Learn more about the powerful effects of some of our favorite foods below.   GARLIC Certain compounds in garlic may have antiviral activity and block viral particles from entering cells. […]readmore

Beauty Body

Healthy Skin = Healthy Immune System

As the body’s largest organ—about 30 square metres—skin’s primary role is to maintain a healthy barrier between you and potential harm from the elements, including sun and rain, bacteria and germs, and stress. But are you protecting this important ally of your immune system? The skin comprises three major divisions or layers, including the epidermis, the […]readmore

Body Health

Shape Up Your Attitude and Your Body Will Fallow

If you’re like most people, you know you should exercise but can’t seem to find the time to “just do it.” In our push-button, drive-through, remote control world, less than half of adults meet the basic recommendation for good health: to accumulate 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, most days of the week. Sadly, more […]readmore


Happier Hormones for a Healthier You

Our hormones play such a pivotal role in our bodies; they are our ‘chemical messengers’ and we cannot survive without them. They control and coordinate our mood, emotions, metabolism, sleep pattern, bodily functions, fertility and immune system (among lots more intricate and finer details of our well-being). It’s easy to miss how important and relevant […]readmore