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Elderberry Benefits Immune Health and More

 Elderberry Benefits Immune Health and More

This simple fruit has been revered for its contributions to everyday health and impact on the immune system, but how exactly does it help your body out? Read on for what you should know about elderberries, including seven science-backed benefits you can get from them.



The vitamins contained in elderberries, paired with the fruit’s antioxidant potential can help support your immune system. Vitamin C, which is contained in the berries, works to helps activate infection-fighting white blood cells, while antioxidants like quercetin and anthocyanins in elderberries support the immune system through their anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.



While there’s no cure for the common cold or flu, elderberries have been shown to help reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. Research links the antiviral effect of elderberries to being beneficial against the flu virus, providing a mild inhibitory effect at the early stages of the influenza virus and an even stronger effect during the post-infection phase.



Research has found that elderberries offer anti-inflammatory benefits and can help reduce swelling. This is largely attributed to elderberry’s flavonoid content. Chronic inflammation has been linked to a wide range of diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, and more.



Elderberry has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for constipation, and studies seem to back this use up. Quercetin, contained in elderberries, is both a potent antioxidant flavonoid and an anthraquinone—which provides a laxative effect.



Feeling a little stressed? Elderberries may be able to help. Studies show that elderberries can lessen stress responses. Emotional stress can lead to oxidative stress in the body, and elderberries may be able to help here too. Quercetin contained in elderberries is a particularly powerful reducer of oxidative stress.



Elderberries could help reduce and prevent cardiovascular disease. Research shows that antioxidants in the berries have been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, while a number of studies indicate that the fruit also provides beneficial effects on blood pressure.



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